Saturday, July 24, 2010

I ain't nobody

We had English remedial classes today...shattered the lazy assumption about my English "skills", if that's what they call it.
Every day at IIJNM seems to be a whole new learning experience. I realize there's so much out there to be learnt, understood, realized, seen, observed. Feel like I had been ignorant all this while. There's this urge to know more. More. And MORE.
They ask for story ideas. And they say you can find them any where on earth. Well, that's a HUGE place to look out for. But we are expected to be news hounds.

Three day field trip was an experience to remember forever. We got to see the city, feel the city life and observe random conversations ranging from discussion of personal problems to arguments over generation gap, in multiple languages (though Kannada was the undisputed king in all the three days)
It was fun roaming around an unknown city. Felt like being thrown out of the experience I always wanted to have since birth ;-)
When its a city one has never been to, it's always like an adventure. Unfamiliar with the local language here, unaware of auto fares and completely clueless about bus routes, the field trip was a learning experience, in the true sense of the word.

There's so much to read. So much to discuss. So much to argue/debate about. So much to learn.
And so little time.
Make the most of it....