Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Sitting on the bed, enjoying the comfort of my pillow, lazing’s a great feeling to type this.
And I waited far too long for this moment.
I finally got my laptop.
*does a jig

Not having a laptop had been the dominant reason for not updating my blog often. Confined to the Media Lab that closes at 11 pm sharp, it maddened me to quite a large extent.
Despite being technologically challenged and possessing (almost) zilch knowledge of computers and software, I badly needed a laptop.
And I’ve finally got one now...after a patient wait for almost 4 years.

It’s called Zjuvi, for now.... named after Zjuvia, Spanish for ‘rain’
I’m hoping to have a long innings with her
: )

Visit to Bangalore Palace

I visited the Bangalore Palace yesterday.

To be very frank, I am not much of a 'historical' person and wouldn't have visited the Palace in the first place had there not been a purpose behind it. My story lies there (and is yet to be completed).
I was supposed to meet a Mr. Michael who was not available at the time of my visit. So, I ended up touring the Palace and clicking a few snap shots from my cell phone slyly (photography charges were extra inside the Palace).

For those interested, the Palace is walkable from Mount Carmel College/Vasanth Nagar Bus Stand. And the entry fee is Rs. 175/- (raised from Rs. 100/- post the introduction of the audio-tour guide). If you're really into history of forts, palaces, rajahs and maharajah's, it's worth it.

Bangalore Palace, from outside

A better view...could have taken a better one if I wouldn't have been caught by the security guard

The inside walls. Apparently it's modelled on Victorian architecture

A painting showing Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen, giving a piece of her ear-ring as a gift to the Roman emperor, Mark Antony, her lover

The Maharani's Durbar

The pool inside the Durbar. Apparently, a gossip area for the ladies of the Palace

The remote-control given to each tourist for the audio-guided tour of the Palace. Available in 5 languages: English, Hindi, Kannada, Italian, Spanish and German. (Tamil and Telgu to be introduced soon)

Tourists fidgeting with headphones