Friday, July 30, 2010

Dreams and Reality

Looking at the sky, I feel I am in a completely new world. And yet there seems to be a sense of belonging here...dono why. Never been here before, don't understand the local language (Kannada Gotilla!!) and I have a kind of notorious history with this city (the less talked about, the better)
And yet I feel at home. Is it because of the environment? The weather? The people? My work? My course? My belief? Or just me?
Honestly speaking, I don't even get the time to ponder over these seemingly unimportant issues. How I wish I could.
24 hours suddenly seem like 24 minutes to me.
They ask me if I feel homesick...I wonder if I do. I take time out to wonder if I do. And then...something else occupies my mind.

The other day I had a dream that bolted me out of sleep. Not because it was anything disturbing. But, sometimes, I feel, even dreams that are too pleasant make you lose your sleep. Guess we aren't prepared too much for anything---an excess of happiness or sadness is equally bad.
Appa was there. In the Hall. Came to wish me. Didn't care about his office. Didn't care about taking a leave. Didn't care about his health.
I woke up with a start.
I don't want this to be a reality.
Strange to say that coz I couldn't have hoped for a better surprise...

Is life weird? Or am I the culprit..??

1 comment:

  1. Mea culpa means I am Guilty....
    Life is weird...and u r not the culprit..
    You are just trying to make sense in a sensless world....

